Wildflowers & Wine
                    Vendor Guidelines
This event is held each year on the Saturday of the last full weekend in April. 
Vendor hours are from 10am-5pm and all vendors are required to stay for the whole day. This rule has been set up to benifit all vendors and maintain the integrety of this long standing event. 
If just one vendor tears down early, it gives the impression that it is time to close. Other vendors committed to a full day event suffer from others around them leaving. Our customers, your shoppers, deserve to have a full venue to shop from.

Set up starts at 7:30am. All booths must be ready to sell by 9:30 for any early bird shoppers. You may drive your vehicles on the grounds to Unload only. Your set up of tent, tables and goods will be done After you move your vehicles to the vendor parking. This allows other vendors to have the space to unload theirs. We will have some help getting you unloaded quickly if needed. 

You are welcome to set up your tents and unload tables on Friday, if that helps you. There is no security on the grounds, so no product should be left overnight. 

Each space will be numbered and you will have this number in advance. The front Center of your tent will be set up where the flag is. There will be some space in between each vendor if you set up correctly. 

Each company will be given a lanyard with your name to allow you to enjoy our hospitality room for snacks, coffee and water. Our specialty Food Vendors will be set up for delicious lunches. Please patronize them as they will be shopping with you.

Please return your lanyards at the end so we can recycle them for next year. You will also have an evaluation form to fill out to help us improve each year. If you like where you are located, you may request the same for next year. We can only guarentee this placement if you register and pay early. That's the only way we know you are coming. We will pick these up at the end of the day. If we miss you, please bring it to the Wine Garden tables. 

If you paid for electricity, make sure you bring a heavy gage extension cord. 

We have 92.3 The Depot Radio Remote with us all day to announce your business and invite shoppers to visit your space. 

We are excited to have you and wish you a successful event!